Thursday, July 16, 2015

The 75th Yahrtzeit of Rosh Betar

Present and accounted for:

Adler, Josh
Adler, Steve
Arens, Moshe
Fischgrund, Chaim
Medad, Yisrael
Teman, Nissan

Other Anglos spotted:

Bar-Neder, Micki
Feder, Shimshon
Rosing, Danny

Chaim and Nissan



Mr. Cohen said...

Cornelius Tacticus, the famous Jew-hating Roman historian who lived from year 56 CE (approximately) to year 120 CE said:

“Much of Judea is thickly studded with villages, and the Jews have towns as well.
Their capital is Jerusalem. Here stood their Temple with its boundless riches.”

The Western World (page 141) by Pearson Custom Publishing, year 2009 CE


{1} Muslims are LYING when they deny that Jews trace their historical origins to the Land of Israel.

{2} Muslims are LYING when they deny that Jerusalem is the historical capital of the Jewish state.

{3} Muslims are LYING when they deny that the Jewish Temple existed in Jerusalem.

Mr. Cohen said...

Michael B. Oren said:

“The dangers became apparent in September 2000 as a Black Hawk helicopter transported me and my combat gear across the West Bank. The previous night, I looked out from our Jerusalem balcony and saw crimson fireworks bursting over the West Bank. Arafat had recently met with President Clinton and Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak at Camp David and turned down their offer of Palestinian statehood in Gaza, virtually all of the West Bank, and half of Jerusalem. The Palestinians were now celebrating the failure of peace.”

SOURCE: Ally (page 35) by Michael B. Oren (former ambassador of Israel to the United States), year 2015 CE, Random House, New York

Mr. Cohen said...

Michael B. Oren said:

“Negotiating with a representative of the Libyan pirates in [year] 1786, Thomas Jefferson was told that the Quran commanded the destruction of all non-believers, Americans included.”

SOURCE: Ally (page 41) by Michael B. Oren (former ambassador of Israel to the United States), year 2015 CE, Random House, New York

Mr. Cohen said...

Hypocrisy of the Anti-Israel BDS Movement
by Mr. Cohen, 2015 June 7, updated 2015 June 8

In year 2012 CE, the U.S. State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report revealed 17 countries that still practice or tolerate slavery: Algeria, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Kuwait, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Papua New Guinea, Yemen, Madagascar, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, DR Congo, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, and Cuba.

Notice that NONE of these 17 countries suffers the wrath of the BDS movement, no matter how guilty they are of practicing slavery.

Also notice that most of these countries are MUSLIM, which means that the Far-Left-dominated news media will NEVER give them the criticism they deserve, because the Far-Leftists are the loyal allies of the Muslims.

Last but not least, the Far-Left-dominated BDS movement will NEVER target these counties with boycotts, because the Far-Leftists are the loyal allies of the Muslims.

According to the year 2014 CE Freedom in the World Report, the ten most oppressive countries in the world are: Central African Republic, Somalia, Equatorial Guinea, Sudan, Eritrea, Syria, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, and Uzbekistan.

Notice that NONE of these ten countries is suffers the wrath of the BDS movement, no matter how much they oppress their own citizens.

Since year 1950 CE, China has occupied the land of Tibet and murdered around one million Tibetans. Does China suffer the wrath of the BDS movement? NO!

Russia invaded Georgia in year 2008 CE.
Russia invaded Ukraine in year 2014 CE.
Is Russian boycotted by the BDS movement?
NO! And it never will be.

Mr. Cohen said...


“If we are serious about peace in the Middle East, then we need to stop pretending that the Israelis are dealing with a rational enemy they can negotiate with; because in doing that, we are helping to feed a massive political lie whose gravitational force has become so great, it has warped reality. It is Hamas who has turned Gaza into a ware-zone recently, not Israel…”

Peace in the Middle East by Pat Condell

Pat Condell is an atheist, who was born in Ireland around 1950 CE, and raised in England as a Roman Catholic, and educated in Church of England schools.

Mr. Cohen said...


“Every concession Israel makes is met with more demands, and more excuses not to negotiate; they [the Palestinians] could have had peace ten times over if they wanted it; but they [the Palestinians] don’t want peace, they want victory, and they won’t be happy until Israel is wiped from the map.”

Pat Condell Finally Gets it on Israel

Pat Condell is an atheist, who was born in Ireland around 1950 CE, and raised in England as a Roman Catholic, and educated in Church of England schools.

Mr. Cohen said...


“Is it racist to criticize the Palestinians as the world’s most tiresome cry-babies, with a bogus cause, and a plight that is entirely self-inflicted?
...I see the Palestinian cause as a lie; a lie designed to exploit Western liberal guilt...”

Pat Condell Finally Gets it on Israel

Pat Condell is an atheist, who was born in Ireland around 1950 CE, and raised in England as a Roman Catholic, and educated in Church of England schools.

Mr. Cohen said...
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Mr. Cohen said...
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