Sunday, July 13, 2008

Betar/Camp Betar Reunion 2000

Found my pictures from the 2000 Betar/Camp Betar reunion, so I put them on a CD and here they are. Enjoy! Time for another one.

Tel Hai


Lets try for some identification (er, these captions go from bottom up)

#1 Harry Taubenfeld
#2 Hank Sheiber (Tzvi Bar Shai), Penina Waga, JJ Gross, Alan Burghauser in blue blazer behind Hank
#4 Lenny Fuld with mustache
#10 Faith Kornbluth, Myron Buchman ("Bucky"), Sindy (Bachner) Liben, Tanya Buchman, Ellen (Zwick) Llinas
#11 Menachem Goldberg, Chuck, Fred Lisker
#12 Fred, Jeff Maas, Lenny
#16 Scott Damasheck, Penina, Zisel Sansanowitz, Benny Rosen
#17 Mike Robelo, Wilma Freidman
#18 Scott, Freddie Pierce, Seymour Pierce, Barry Liben, Mike
#19 Ron Torrosian (2nd from right)
#21 Ron
#26 Mitch Chupak
#29 Mel Laytner, Faith, Ellen, ?, Tanya, Harry Wohl behind Tanya
#30 Shlomo Frisch
#32 Danny Dannon - front left, Harry Wohl - middle left, Hank, Penina, JJ
#33-OA Lenny Getz, Chaim Kaufman
#33-7 Barry
#34 Wilma, Jodi Robelo

Chuck Waxman


Risa Tzohar said...

Are the names being witheld to protect the innocent?

YMedad said...

Nice pictures. Now you have to identify those pictured.

YMedad said...

ah, risa, great minds think alike

Shachna Waxman said...

Yes, we all think alike, but I could not figure out how to add comments next to each picture

Anonymous said...

The pictures with me... To my left is Ronnie Weiss... and to my right is Russell & Virginie Feder. They met in Israel when he was in the army (a Betar/Tagar college graduate), and she living in Israel... and grew up in Betar France. They are married and have 2 kids living in Long Island.

Ronn Torossian

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Leah Bonfila and I am aformer Betaria-Please add my email address to your distribution list-My sister and I went to Camp Betar in 1965 and 1966-I was also a member of the Betar youth movement-my email address is lbglobe or sisters email is jblkismet would like to unite with former betarim and be included in any furtuer reunions

Anonymous said...

This is leahb-I just want to correct the spelling for my last name-it is Leah Bonfil-please reply

Anonymous said...

this is Leah again-I just want to list my sisters name -it is Judy Bonfil

Anonymous said...

By the way, when IS the next reunion? I'll fly up from Florida to attend. I hope it'll be a big one! Benjy