It was a Betar Demo, but the Revisionists issued a statement. Both were carried in a Yiddish newspaper and given bare mention in the NY Compass. If you want those press clippings I can send them to you. I think it was a one-time event. I don't remember any other demos on this issue.
and he sent these scanned leaflets from his scrapbook:

Norman Cohen asks:
Any scrapbook clippings of the demonstration against President Eisenhower in Washington DC in 1956? We drove down from New York City. Any memories from the mid-1950s Manhattan?
Yitzhak Heimowitz responds:
I recall driving from New York to Washington for a demonstration. My memory is that it was against Anthony Eden at the British Embassy. DC has very strict rules against demonstrating at Embassies and all the Betarim were arrested. I negotiated with the police to get them all released in exchange for our promise to leave Washington immediately. By then two of our three cars had left and I had to take all the Betarim in my car. My recollection is that we had 11 people in the car, even though that probably sounds impossible. Next week I'll check if I have anything about this in my scrapbooks, which are in my office.
And Norman Cohen asks:
Is that the car whose axle broke?
!!כל הכבוד!!!
Kol Hakavod Winkie!
I was just sitting down to post this. Thanks.
thank you.
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