Wednesday, January 25, 2017

When Jabotinsky Forbade

As reported

Jabotinsky Forbids American Brith Trumpeldor to Deal with Congress CourtJanuary 24, 1933Paris (Jan. 23)

Vladimir Jabotinsky, president of the World Union of Zionist Revisionists, today cabled the Brith Trumpeldor Organization in America forbidding it “to have any dealings with the World Zionist Congress Court of Honor. You may offer the Histadruth the proposal to jointly appoint a real court of honor.”

The Revisionist leader’s instructions refer to the statement issued by the Revisionist Organization in the United States and signed jointly by Elias Ginsburg, its president, and Joseph Beder, acting chief of the Brith Trumpeldor, agreeing to submit the differences between the Histadruth and the Revisionists in Palestine, on the question of labor, to the Congress Court of honor.

The statement was in acceptance of a proposal made by Israel Mereminski, Histadruth leader, now in the United States. The proposal was made by Mr. Mereminski in connection with the guerilla warfare that has been current in Palestine for months between members of the Palestine Labor Federation and the Revisionists.

The Revisionist leader’s reference to a real court of honor is a deliberate criticism of the present Court of Honor which is now regarded as a party organ because of its vote to suspend the Revisionists separate Union, following trial of the Revisionist Union on the charge of breach of Zionist discipline. The Revisionists had asked postponement of the trial until the World Zionist Congress when their spokesmen could be present.


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