Monday, January 14, 2019

Brit HaBiryonim and American Betar

Published in the Chazit HaAm newspaper on May 18, 1931, Joseph Beder, contact for subscriptions:

Beder was a central figure in the Revisionist Movement in the US and served as the first Netziv.

He is mentioned here:

As previously noted

Betar's beginnings were bound up with the efforts of Joseph Beder, a Betari from Eretz-Yisrael, who relocated to New York in 1927.  In November 1927, at a meeting of friends, which included Haim Messer and Willy Katz, it was decided to reach out to the Betar centers in Riga, Paris and Tel Aviv. These attempts were unsuccessful although there were some members recruited from within the ranks of the Revisionists which led to the age range from 18-60.

The next real attempt was in February 1929 but only in October that year, after Beder's return from a trip to Eretz-Yisrael, was the first Ken established and the impetus was the August riots in Mandate Palestine. 

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