To all, while I was looking through my Betar photos and other memorabilia, I found this Teudah from 1934

It is stamped along the folded section, Imprime en France -- printed in France.
It was issued to a "Freidl Frimmerman" in Hebrew script on the back.I knew the late Harry Frimmerman and his late wife Doris were in Toronto Betar in the 1930s and 40s.
This might be his wife's Teudah.
Harry died around 5 years ago, and his wife Doris passed away perhaps than a year ago.
I will pass this document along to their son Gordie, who did spend some time at Camp Betar. He lives in Toronto.
The menorah is a relatively unusual "interwoven branch design", a departure from the normal style where each branch is stand-alone.
This same interwoven branch design is found etched into the door glass and window glasses of a large Toronto synagogue, Adath Israel.
About 15 years ago, I constructed a chanukiah at my factory, based on this interwoven branch design; I built it from heavy brass strips and rods. At home, we rotate various chanukiot, from one year to the next, and this one that I built is sometimes brought out and used.
Does anybody know the history or development of the interwoven branch menorah? What period does it date back to?
Note that the blue Hebrew text at the top and bottom of the cover page is quite stylized and difficult for me to decipher.
I was not certain that this was a Betar Teudah, from the Hebrew inside or outside.
However, on the back, it says quite clearly in English and in French:
"The aim of Zionism is the gradual transformation of Palestine (Transjordan included) into a Jewish State".
Note the serial number-- 70,532
P.S. From Winkie
It is a membership card for the Revisionist-Zionist Movement - Brit HaTzohar.
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