Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Betar Pro-Begin

U.S. Betar Urges World Body to Sever Relations with Revisionists

The second post-war national convention of the Brith Trumpeldor of America adopted a resolution urging the world Betar conference in Paris to sever all ties with the Revisionist Party and to persuade Menachem Beigin, commander of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, to assume leadership of Betar, it was announced here today by the organization.



YMedad said...
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YMedad said...

Steve Esrati writes:-

"The motion to do this was introduced at the Kinus Artzi in Lenox, Mass., by Meir Kahane, Mordechai Dolinsky and myself. It was opposed by Natziv Moshe Arens."