Wednesday, December 24, 2014

On the 1950 Anti-German Demo

Three youths arrested after they identified themselves with the Betar youth organization after they and a dozen other young men and women threw eggs, tomatoes and apples at a visiting German soccer team on the steps of City Hall on Friday will be given a hearing on Thursday, it was reported during the week-end. The demonstration took place as the German athletes, affiliated with the Hamburg Sports Verein, were about to be photographed with Acting Mayor Vincent Impelliteri.

Statements issued by the Union Zionists-Revisionsts of America and the Betar executive committee condoned the action of the youths and protested a charge that the demonstrators were Communists. The Betar statement said it was “regrettable that news of the reception (for the Germans) did not leak out earlier, in time to permit a much greater manifestation of dissatisfaction” by the Jews of New York. A spokesman for the visiting Germans, commenting on the incident, said: “We could see that they (the Betar youths) were not Americans.”


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