Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Anthem of Betar

The Anthem of Betar

authored by Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Paris, 1932



From the pit of decay and dust,

With blood and sweat

Shall arise a race

Proud, generous and fierce.

The captured Betar, Yodefet, Masada

Shall arise again in all their strength and glory.



Even in poverty a Jew is a prince.

Whether slave or tramp

You have been fashioned the son of kings

Crowned with the diadem of David.

Whether in light or in darkness

Always remember the crown

The crown of pride and Tagar



Overcoming any obstacle and enemy.

Whether you ascend or go down,

In the revolt’s flame -

Carry the kindling fire of

"Never mind!"

For silence is filth

Forsake blood and soul

On behalf of the hidden glory.


To die or to conquer the mount -

Yodefet, Masada, Betar.


Translated by Yisrael Medad



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