Sunday, September 15, 2024

Two Traffic Accident Stories

Lev Shreiber was asked:

"What is the closest you’ve ever come to death?

And he replied:

A car accident in British Columbia 35-40 years ago. I was driving too quickly on a dirt road and lost control of the car, and it went off a cliff and got stuck in some treetops. We were not at all hurt; we actually just climbed out."

And that reminded me of my own experience. 

In 1968, I was at Camp Betar in Neversink, NY and a few madrichim had a day off and decided to visit friends at Camp Moshava in Pennsylvania.  We were five in the car and we were coming down a slight hill when the driver realized he should have made a turn and began to slow down and he turned the wheel slightly to the right. However, the car behind us was driving fast and coming over the hill probably did not adequately notice we were slowing down. He smacked into us, luckily, not at full speed, and off we went into a field with little control. After a 100 meters or so, we came to a stop. There may have been a few cows but I am not sure. We checked ourselves but no one was injured.


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