Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Who Headed American Betar in 1932

Smertenko Heads Brith Trumpeldor in America
August 23, 1932

Johan Smertenko, managing editor of “Opinion,” was elected head of the Brith Trumpeldor of America, Revisionist youth organization, at the first annual convention of the organization held here over the week end.

The convention adopted a resolution calling upon Great Britain to withdraw its ban on Vladimir Jabotinsky, head of the World Union of Zionist Revisionists, and permit his return to Palestine.

Resolutions calling for the extension of the work of the Brith Trumpeldor and the increase of its membership were also adopted.

Reports were rendered by the retiring head of the group, Joseph Beder, and M. Berk of Chicago.

Speakers at the mass meeting which opened the convention on Saturday evening included Jacob De Haas, Dr. Mason, of the Society of All Nations ; Isaac Allen, L. Altman and Elias Ginsburg.

On Smertenko:



Pre-convention item:

Brith Trumpeldor to Hold First National Convention Here
August 19, 1932

The Brith Trumpeldor of America, Revisionist youth organization, will hold its first national convention on Saturday evening and Sunday at the Society for the Advancement of Judaism.

J. Bender, head of the organization will open the convention. Addresses will be delivered by Jacob de Haas, Isaac Allen, Dr. Mason and James Waterman Wise.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FASCINATING HISTORY...Joined Betar 1946 (a kiddie) and remained active thru 1949. The Natziv Betar at that time was Aaron Propes, followed by Moshe (Misha) Arens. I was 'recruited' into Etzel at age 16..and that is another, long and 'fascinating' story. Lynn Sharon